We love stilletos!

Instructor Whiskey on stage!

Booty cheeks welcome!

We love stilletos!
Call us: (813) 443-5144
Buttercup Pole Dance
Phone Hours: 9:00am - 9:00pm


You took the plunge and decided to try pole / aerial fitness, good for you! Welcome to the exciting world of aerial dance and fitness!
We highly recommend reading through this information before attending your first class with us.
Apparatuses We Offer
Pole Dance:
Pole Dance classes are available from beginner level to advanced! Beginners will start with basic climbing technique, upright poses, and spins. Students progress at their own rate and graduate levels only when ready.
Be sure to note the dress code for each class. Pole tricks classes require shorts so your skin can "stick" to the stainless steel. Students who would like are welcome to wear heels in our dance classes. Please refrain from wearing any lotion or oil to class as the poles become slippery. No jewelry is permitted as it scratches the poles.
Aerial Silks:
Aerial silks are long fabric ribbons that hang from the ceiling allowing artists to climb, twist, drop, and create beautiful shapes. .
Aerial Silks students should wear tight to the body clothing like leggings and shirts with underarm coverage. No jewelry is permitted in fabric classes as it could tear the apparatus.
Aerial Sling:
Aerial Sling uses the same fabric as silks, but with a loop at the bottom. It is sometimes known as aerial hammock. It is an excellent precursor to aerial silks, and is also it's own apparatus.
Aerial Sling students should wear tight to the body clothing like leggings and shirts with underarm coverage. No jewelry is permitted in fabric classes as it could tear the apparatus.
Lyra is a round metal hoop that hangs from the ceiling where students perform aerial inversions and acrobatics.
Lyra students should wear tight to the body clothing like leggings. No jewelry is permitted in lyra classes.

Pole Class Levels

"Seedlings" Level 1 - Beginner
In level 1 students will fucus on upright pole spins, transitions, poses, and climbing. We will also work on building the strength and coordination necessary to safely take your pole journey upside-down!
"Seeds & Sprouts" Level 1/2 - Beginner/Intermediate
Level 1/2 is a mixed level class. Combining elements from level 1 and 2. Beginners can still take these classes, but there will be variations for the level 2 students that might not be appropriate...yet!
Be kind to your body and listen to the instructor, as they will let you know if something is for the more experienced polers. There will always be a beginner option available. Racy Basics is our beginner routine class. A great place to learn basic transitions and dance moves and hone your heel skills!
"Sprouts" Level 2 - Intermediate
Students in this class are comfortable climbing the pole at least 3 times in a row and executing inside and outside planted foot spins, they have completed a minimum of 16 weeks in level 1 tricks class.
Level 2 students will focus on more advanced combination spins, inversions like forearm stands, and inverting on the pole. It takes time to build the necessary strength in the core, back, and arms to safely go upside-down. Many students will spend months or years in this level, it's better not too rush, we have plenty of all-level classes that you can take as well!
"Sprouts & Stems" Level 2/3 - Intermediate/Advanced
Much like level 1/2 this is a mixed level class that will have students just leaving level 1 all the way to those almost ready for level 3. There is a progression for everyone.
"Stems" Level 3 - Advanced
Students in this class are able to comfortably invert for the duration of the class length. ALL BODIES ARE UNIQUE and there is more than one way to go upside down. Students in level 3 have completed a minimum of 16 weeks in level 2.
Your instructor will be able to tell you if you're ready to try out level 3. It is important for your safety and ours that students are inverting without assistance in level 3.
"Flowers" Level 4 - Expert
Students in flowers are confident in inversions, basic leg hangs, and can shoulder mount without assistance. This class consists of tricks, combinations, flips, and more complex transitions and spins.
"Racy Basics" Level 1/2 - Beginner Routine
Racy Basics is our beginner level dance and choreography class. Most students wear heels, but they are not required. We will focus on movement around the pole and transitions from the pole to the ground and back.
Walking in heels is a skill! This is a great place to hone those skills and find your balance.
"All Level" 1-4 Classes - The Daily Grind, Flexipole, Slink, Spidermans Kiss.
There are multiple "all level" classes on our schedule.
The Daily Grind is an all level dance and choreography class, it is appropriate for a more experienced level 1 through level 4 students, we recommend taking a few Racy Basics and Level 1 classes prior to coming to Daily Grind. We will give variations to all levels of students.
Flexipole is a stretch class. We do not use the poles and do not dance. We focus on active and dynamic stretching for adults. This is a class that anyone at any level can attend without pre requisite.
Slink is a style of pole dance featuring slow undulating moves, smooth transitions, and gliding across the floor. It is not a good class for new beginners, and we recommend students take some level 1 and racy basics classes prior to attending.
Spiderman's Kiss is truly all level. Students will learn inversions off the pole like headstands, handstands, forearm stands, and shoulder rolls and stands. This class builds body awareness and strength that is excellent in progressing your pole journey.
"Spintensity" Level 3/4 - Advanced Routine
Spintensity is our advanced routine class. Students must be comfortable inverting as this class will integrate going upside-down into the routine itself. Most students wear heels, but they are not required.
Questions about our levels?
Shoot us a message at buttercuppoledance@gmail.com